As a beginner, not knowing where to start from is quite normal. Writing can be overwhelming, and there will be moments when you begin to doubt yourself. Nonetheless, the minute you pick a pen and listen to the voices in your head to write something down, you are a writer.
The next question now is how I should write and what I should do to become a better writer. Luckily, you are in the right place because this article will explore several tips to create the perfect beginner's guide to creating a masterpiece.
Beginner Writing Tips
1. Write Everyday
For a first tip, this might be a bit cliché. However, as a beginner who has mastered the art of writing, you can only get better by writing every day, so the more you write, the better you become. Writing every day may be stressful, having to come up with ideas. However, to make it fun and less stressful, you can journal.
Get a journal and narrate how your day went. Try to make it exciting and mix your imagination with reality. As you write, try to convey your message correctly. Subconsciously, journaling will help you build your creative mind and writing prowess.
2. Read More Books
The only way to write good sentences is to read good sentences. As a writer, you must know how to read voraciously. Consume every new vocabulary and take in every detail that great authors put into their work.
When you read different good books, you understand the different writing styles and become better yourself. It is advisable, however, to read more fiction and nonfiction books to learn how to write rather than textbooks with titles like "Become A Writer In One Day."
You will learn better from stories and articles than from a book trying to mimic your college teacher.
3. Edit and Proofread
As a beginner, nobody is expecting your work to be error-free. So, when you write, instead of striving to attain perfection, channel your energy to pass the right message with your work. But this is not an excuse for you not to proofread your work. After you have unlocked your creativity and written something beautiful, take a break from the work. This break will allow your brain to look at the writing from another dimension.
Come back to the article and read through it. As you read, take note of your errors and make necessary corrections. You can also give it to a friend to help read through and ask for their suggestions. Technology has made things easier for everyone. You must always pass your work through tools that check for grammar and spelling errors.
4. Share Your Work
Showing your work to the world is the best way to receive criticism and compliments. As a starter, you should always be bold about telling people you are a writer and showing them the pieces you have put together. And even when the work feels below par, share it with those close to you. They might find the treasure you have refused to see in your writing. The beauty of sharing your articles is that people will commend you and give you that little pat on the shoulders that will drive your writing zeal.
Several tips can make your writing better. Nonetheless, a beginner should start small but open your mind to great things. Also, learn to never underestimate yourself and the voices in your head. A pen and paper may be all you need to become the next Shakespeare.